Growing Healthcare Close to Home

NVH Foundation / NVCHA

North Valley Community Health Association

Also known as North Valley Hospital Foundation has a mission to enhance medical care in the North Okanogan County through donations and gifts.

Currently, the Foundation meets the first Monday of the month at 7pm in the Board of Commissioners meeting room, located in the Verbeck Building.


About Us

North Valley Hospital Foundation was established for the purpose of promoting quality healthcare in the North Valley Hospital District. NVH is the only acute care hospital in North Okanogan County that is designed to meet the needs of our community residents. Give the increasing costs of providing healthcare, coupled with reimbursement shortfalls from Medicare and Medicaid, it is difficult to provide the necessary program enhancements and service improvements required to continue the quality of healthcare. Our foundation supports North Valley Hospital as well as North Valley Extended Care.

Giving Tree

Giving Tree

After the new addition to the hospital was finished in 2010, it was decided that there needed to be a way to show appreciations for the donations and support from our community. Over a year of planning, design work and labor, a beautiful Giving Tree bloomed in the main lobby entrance of NVH. Please make sure to stop by and take a look at the names of those who helped the new hospital become a possibility. These people are a large part of the reason that we are able to continue "Growing Healthcare Close to Home."



Contributions and donations to the Foundation helps ensure the continuation of the excellent healthcare we have come to expect in the North Valley area.

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifting is tax deductible.

Remember the Foundation and North Valley Hospital District in your regular giving. Gifting opportunities are available for corporations, individuals, other business entities, and partnerships.

We make a LIVING by what we GET, but we make a LIFE by what we GIVE.
— Winston Churchill

-Wayne Verbeck-
-John McReynolds-
-Dixie Brown-
-Dick Larson-
-Judy Gladden-
-Herb Wandler-
-Vicki Lewis-
-Teresa Webber-

-Jerry Bradley-

The Foundation continues to improve the Hospital District in many ways:

**2024 Projects:**
  • 3-$1000.00 Scholarships Awarded
  • Supplement Mammogram payments for under or un-insured patients
  • Funded NVEC Activities: i.e. model train project (in progress)
  • Purchased personal necessities for NVEC resident(s) w/o funds
  • Donated $100,000.00 to NVH for the completion of two patient care rooms.

If you are interested in donating or learning more about the foundation, please fill out the form below or call 509-486-3118. Donations are also accepted online via the Community Foundation of North Central Washington.