Patient Billing & Pricing
No one will be denied services based on inability to pay and discounts are available based on family size and income.
Questions About Your Bill
If you have a question about a medical bill from one of our facilities, another facility, or questions about your EOB(explanation of benefits) from your insurance we will be happy to help you. To reach your Patient Account Representative for North Valley Hospital bills call:
509.486.0104 for last names A-F
509.486.0101 for last names G-L
509.486.0110 for last names M-Z
Financial Services Counseling - Assistance
A Patient Financial Counselor is available to assist you Monday through Friday 8:00 am–4:30 pm by calling:
509.486.3136 for last names A-L
509.486.3189 for last names M-Z and all bilingual counseling assistance
Charity Care
North Valley Hospital has a Charity Care program available to all patients. To inquire about this service please contact our Financial Services Counselor at 509.486.3136.
Click here for NVH Plain Language Summary of Financial Assistance/Charity Care Policy
Click here for the 2024 Federal Poverty Levels - Persons in Household 48 Contiguous States (all states except Alaska and Hawaii).
You can download an application. Please download the documents below and make sure they are completely filled out before submitting them.
Washington State requires all hospitals to provide financial assistance to people and families who meet certain income requirements.
Click here for the Charity Care Application
Click here for the Charity Care Policy
Click here for the Payment Policy
Click Here for the Apple Health Brochure
Esta es una solicitud de asistencia financiera (también conocida como atencion benefica) en North Valley Hospital (NVH)
Haga clic aquí para la Solicitud de Atención Caritativa
Haga clic aquí para ver la Política de Atención Caritativa
Haga clic aquí para Póliza de Pagos
Haga clic aquí para Apple Salud Folleto
Tax Discount Application
North Valley Hospital offers a tax discount to customers who live within the North Valley Hospital District. You can get up to a $500 discount each calendar year for the amount you pay on property taxes to our hospital district. That credit can be applied to your or your dependents account balances. We developed this application as a way to show our gratitude to the people in our community who help support the hospital district.
Click here for printable application.
Once you have completed the application you can mail it to:
North Valley Hospital, Attn: Tax Discount, 203 S. Western Ave., Tonasket, WA 98855
For more information you can call our Patient Financial Services at 509-486-3136.

Make a Payment CLICK HERE
We also accept payments over the phone by debit/credit card; by check or cash in person at the admitting desk, or by mail (please do not mail cash).
Our mailing address is:
North Valley Hospital, Attn: Patient Accounts, 203 S. Western Ave., Tonasket, WA 98855
Other Insurance Information
Non-Insured Patients
If you do not have medical insurance coverage, we are happy to set up a payment plan with you. For all elective procedures we require a deposit for services, and that can be arranged prior to your appointment with our Financial Services Counselor.
North Valley Hospital recognizes that some patients will be able to pay cash for services and feels if they can meet the obligation of payment in full within 90 days from the first statement date they are entitled to a 35% discount; if they can pay within 365 days with regular payments during that 365 day period they are entitled to a 25% discount. Payment terms from 13 months to 18 month with no missed payments will be eligible for a 10% discount.
DSHS/Medicaid for the State of Washington Billing Information
You need to present Provider One ID card at the time of service. We will bill the appropriate claim for you, and require picture ID along with these cards to protect your benefits.
Medicare program Billing Information
We will notify you in writing if the claim is not covered under the Medicare program prior to you receiving the services. Otherwise for all covered care, we will bill Medicare. Medicare requires you to pay a co-pay and a deductible. If you have supplemental insurance we will bill that after Medicare has paid their portion. In some cases where a retiree is still working or their spouse is still working, the Group Health Plan will be the primary payer. In those cases we will bill the group health plan and then bill Medicare for the deductible and co-insurance. If an accident is involved in the illness, a Third Party Liability claim may be primary. Please be prepared to present your Medicare card along with Picture ID at the time of admission to our facility along with any other insurance card that may be responsible for paying the bill.
Private Insurance Billing Information
We are happy to bill most insurance companies. We require a copy of your insurance card at the time of admission. We require the card be presented one time each 30 days along with picture ID. We have had many comments regarding the requirement of picture identification; however, it is a request by Medicare to prevent fraud and abuse. We expect payment within 30 days from your insurance company after we have billed them. If they do not respond, you may be responsible for the billing. Billing of non-contracted insurances is a courtesy we are happy to extend to our patients.
Minor Patient Billing Responsibility
We hold the person presenting the minor child to the facility for care responsible for the account; we do not bill ex-spouses for charges incurred. The person presenting the minor will be held responsible for the account.
Prior Authorization for Treatment
Many insurance companies require prior authorization for treatment such as surgery, outpatient services and therapies. We will work with your physician to make sure these referrals and authorizations are in place. However, you should be aware of the need for prior authorizations that are required by your insurance policy. We do not carry account balances over 90 days. If you cannot pay in full within 90 days, we have programs available to help you with your account. Please contact your Patient Services Representative for more information on these programs.
CLICK HERE for the No Surprise Billing - Good Faith Estimate policy.
Please contact our Patient Representative at 509-486-3107 for more pricing information.
location-name: North Valley Hospital source-page-url: mrf-url: contact-name: Krista Zabreznik contact-email: